Monday, January 30, 2012

Christ's Ministry in Samaria and Cana

Read John 4:31-54.

 Let's look at the disciples....
          In this passage, they miss the opportunity to see a woman converted and to see Christ in action, modelling how to witness to a non-believer. Where were they, you ask? Well, they were off looking for food because they thought that's what Christ needed most at the moment. Sometimes it's easy to get distracted by the physical things in life. Now, did they know what was about to happen? Who knows? But, they missed it all the same.

       Verses 32-33 show us the spiritual immaturity of the disciples at this point in time. Even though they were Christ's disciples, they still didn't quite get it. They hadn't yet learned the reason for ministry. They still didn't understand that as they gave more of themselves to God, they would be blessed in return. The cool thing is, if you look at the later epistles, they had grown spiritually in the Lord.

     Okay, Christ doesn't leave them in this spiritually blind and immature state. He takes the moment to teach them. In verse 35, he rebukes them and begins to teach them about spiritual vision. In verses 36-38, he teaches about the blessings of witnessing.

    Now, let's look at the Samaritans in verses 39-42. First of all, these people are desperate!!!! They believe the message of a woman who the majority of them looked down on as well. These people were hungry for Christ. This is a great example of how God uses the weak to draw the mighty to Him. In the end, we see that the Samaritans were so hungry and are so filled by Christ that they beg him to stay with them.

    We're going to switch gears a bit and look at another miracle. This is miracle number two. Christ has decided to move on from Samaria, where a spiritual revival has taken place and moves onto Galilee, a spiritual wilderness, where he received no honor or welcome. This doesn't phase Christ and he continues to minister to those willing to listen. As Christ comes to Cana, it seems almost as if John is comparing and contrasting the first miracles with this one. Take a look at the water into wine miracle and compare it to this miracle and see what kind of similarities there are. We will look at this week the individuals of the passage, so for now, just enjoy this miracle of Christ and see what you can take from the passage.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christ and the Woman at the Well

Read John 4:1-43

Christ is on the way to Samaria. Why? He's left Jerusalem because, just like in John 2:24-25, Christ as fully God (deity, right?), knew what was going on around him. He knew of his growing popularity among the common people. He knew of their desire to make him their political King. All in all, the people still didn't get who Christ was, so it was time for him to leave Jerusalem.

So, onto Samaria. Samaria is located between Judea and Galilee. Just a little background, Samaria was used after the nation of Israel split into two parts (Israel and Judea), to be the capitol of the northern kingdom of Israel. The people of Samaria were not even around until after the captivities. During the Assyrian captivity, the Assyrian king conquered Samara (the capital of Israel) and repopulated it with heathen people, who eventually intermarried with the Jews left behind and eventually adopted many of the forms of Jewish worship. The Orthodox Jews looked down on these Samaritans and would avoid them at all costs. Until now, when we see Jesus, an orthodox Jew, go directly through Samaria.

Let's talk about the Samaritan woman. She had many strikes against her. First of all, she was a Samaritan. Second of all, she was a woman--women were not valued at this point and Jewish men did NOT talk to women in public. Thirdly, she was an adulteress--the lowest of the low--this is why she was going to the well in the hottest part of the day--everyone hated her, even her fellow Samaritans.

We've seen how far apart and sinful Samaritans and Jews are. So, what can we learn about Christ from this passage?

Well, we see his humanity. Christ had grown weary (vs. 6) and he looked like any other Jewish man--she recognized him as a Jew (verse 9). We also see his deity. He offers her eternal life (verse 14), he is omniscient (verses 16-18), and he claims his deity (verses 25-26).We also see Christ's dedication and urgency to do God's Will. Verses 34-35 show us Christ's heart and a deep, determined desire to do God's will. In fact, as we know, Christ was willing to sacrifice all. Lastly, we see Christ's concern for His disciples. He wanted his disciples to have the same burden for souls as he did. Thought here, if we claim to be Christians, then we claim to be imitators of Christ and need to have his same burden.

So, a few final thoughts that we can take from Christ about Evangelism. He gives us the ultimate model for how to witness.

1. He stirred her curiosity (verse 7)
2. He made her face her need (verses 13-15)
3. He made her see her sin (verses 16-18)

Some final thoughts about Salvation that we can take from this passage:

1. Salvation is a gift
2. Salvation brings everlasting life
3. Salvation is for whoever will believe
4. Salvation is not related to race, wealth, or intellect

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Radical Idea

 Read John 3:1-21

This is one of my favorite chapters in John. I guess because often I identify with Nicodemus and am convicted when I read this passage, asking myself, "would I feel the same way as him? Would I come to him in the same way?"

Just a little background to get a better grasp on the chapter....

Christ has just cleansed the temple of the money changers and animal sellers. It is the spring of A.D. 29 and it is around the time of Passover.

Nicodemus is an interesting character. He was a member of the Sanhedrin ("a ruler of the Jews"). When he comes to Christ, he displays both cowardice and courage. We see his cowardice in the way that he comes to Christ at night. He came to Christ in secret because he didn't want anyone else to recognize him. He had a lot to lose if he was caught talking to Christ. He could lose his place on the Sanhedrin (a group of 70 of the best and brightest Jewish rulers of Israel), he could lose his financial wealth, and he could lost his place of honor among his peers. Not to make excuses for him, but I can see where he was coming from.

We see Nicodemus's courage by the fact that he still became a follower of Christ despite what he would have to overcome. If you jump to John 7, we see Nicodemus defending Christ to the Sanhedrin. And in John 19, he helped to publicly ask for and bury the body of Christ. These show us just how much salvation in Christ and change a person and their values. But more on that later.

So, Nicodemus comes to Christ and says that he recognizes that Christ's miracles show that he comes from God. Christ's miracles were radically different from anything they had ever seen before. Maybe Nicodemus was recalling the passages of Scripture that he knew so well and recognizing them coming true in Christ.

 However, obviously Christ knows Nicodemus still doesn't quite believe, because he gives Nicodemus this line about being "born again," referencing why he, Christ, was on earth. You can imagine what went through Nicodemus's head at this point. "Huh? Maybe this guy has lost it."

Well, we can see the importance of Christ's use of this phrase in this passage in three ways, and eventually, Nicodemus gets it too:

1. This was the first message that Christ discussed publicly, i.e. not with his disciples.
2. Jesus uses the phrase "truly, truly" to emphasize the importance of what was said.
3. Jesus is giving the answer for how to get to heaven.

So, what's the nature of this "new birth"? Well, it is not a physical birth. That's what Nicodemus thought Christ meant at first. Which is why Christ follows up with this phrase about being born of water and then of the Spirit (and yes, we have now managed to bring the subject of "birth" up in our blog as well). Water represents the physical (I'm not going to go into the details) and Spirit is spiritual. This can be tied to Romans 8:8, which tells us that the flesh cannot please God and we HAVE to have this new birth of the spirit to be with God.

This birth is NECESSARY. There is no other way to heaven! Not only that, but it is IMPERATIVE. Christ doesn't say, "if you want to" or "if you feel like it." He says "You MUST be born again." However, Christ does provide for this new birth. 3:14-18 explains that Christ would die on the cross for man's sin so that man can be born again. And the best part, there's only one requirement. We have to believe in Christ. "To believe" literally means "to trust, to rely upon, to commit oneself to totally." That's it! Simple, right?

And of course, we have the most known and "googled" verse in this passage that makes it clear that this message is for everyone (John 3:16). All they have to do is "be born again."

A few final questions:

1. Have you been like Nicodemus before this passage, or after? Have you been courageous or cowardly about Christ?

2. Practically, what would being courageous for Christ look like today?

3. How often do we let our knowledge of the Bible and Christianity get in the way of the simple fact that all we have to do is be "born again"?

4. If you were in Nicodemus's shoes, how would you have approached him? How would you have reacted to this radical idea of being "born again"?